Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nicaraguan intellectual Ernesto Cardenal Denounces US Transnational Companies Control of Media

Santiago de Chile, Nov 4 (Prensa Latina) The famous Nicaraguan intellectual Ernesto Cardenal said here that Latin America and the whole world are misinformed because of the control of the media by the United States.

In an interview broadcast by Radio Cooperative he emphasized that 90 percent of the world information comes from about nine US information transnational companies that only spread those news which they are interested in.

The 82-year old poet and religious man said his country does not receive enough information about Chile because US transnationals do not permit it and this is at the bottom of disintegration in Latin America.

In his visit to Chile to attend the International Meeting of Writers at the 27 International Santiago Book Fair, he reiterated that the world population depends on what those transnational companies want to broadcast or not.

Here is the full article.